Lucky for us, the storm is coming over the weekend so we can all stay home and enjoy the snow. I'm sure I would be panicking a bit more if I had to get out and drive in it. I know this isn't the case for everyone and there are lots of people that will need to go to work this weekend. For those folks, I'm hoping everyone stays safe on the roads. In Charleston, when a storm was coming, the locals that had been through many storms in the past would laugh at those that freaked out and bought all the bread off the shelves. I wonder, are the locals here laughing at this post? Honestly, I hope you are. I'm a newbie, I deserve it.
Here is the start of my grocery list, sorted by priority.
Since I have snow on the brain, there is something else I've noticed. Kids are resilient when it comes to weather. When we lived in Charleston, my kids rarely put on a heavy coat. There just wasn't the need. When they did have to, there was always lots of grumbling and pretending to be uncomfortable. This morning, my kids put on their heavy coats, snow boots, gloves and winter hats without one word. They just do it now. We've only been here six months and it's only been cold a few months but they already have this cold weather thing down.
"Mom, snow is a lot like sand at the beach. It's fun to play in you just need different clothes." Resilient. And wise.
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